Sample Projects
Wreck Repair
When an engineer for a large rail operator ran a GP35 locomotive into a group of parked of cars sitting on the main line, RPS was contacted for fast attention. The entire lower bed plate, including front-end sheet and gear pocket, had to be removed and replaced. RPS prepped the frame, positioned the new bed-plate, and completed the repair with flux core MIG welding, requiring more than 300 lbs. of weld wire. The unit was back working in fine condition after eight weeks of work near the accident location

Ahead of the Curve on PTC
RPS partnered with an industry-leading locomotive manufacturing and technology company to design an installation plan for on-board Positive Train Control equipment that meets all requirements. There were seven different locomotive models that each needed their own install procedure. Each install design factored in operator ergonomics, available space within each locomotive type, operational safety, and future service access. To meet a stringent deadline of 60 installed systems in 7 months, RPS built a custom scaffolding system above the client’s existing service pit allowing full access with pneumatic and welding tools from above and below the locomotives and coach cars simultaneously. RPS also managed the supply chain of customer-supplied and third-party components. Throughout the process of installing, testing and certifying the finished units, RPS submitted daily production schedules, status reports, and all necessary documentation.
Head-end power plants (HEP) conversions
RPS participated in a design-build contract with a global provider of rail technology to upgrade head-end power plants on fifteen F40 and six MP36 locomotives from non-tier-certified diesel generator sets to Tier II-certified as required by DOE/FRA requirements.
RPS led the design team through a process by which the primary contractor’s engineer and our technical crew could logically determine the best approach to modifying each unit into a split cooling arrangement, requiring extensive fabrication and changes to the existing radiator hatch, plumbing and electrical configurations.